Have You Hit a Plateau?

Have you hit a plateau in your fitness journey? At Precision Pilates we are super passionate about movement, and the amazing benefits movement brings to your life. We find that our clients can oftentimes be categorized into two groups. Clients who are private clients (those who generally only take one on one sessions with their instructor). And class clients (those who only do classes). We think both options are great, and we love to encourage people to do what works best in their schedule, and their budget.

Our small group classes are an affordable way to get individualized workouts in on a regular basis. And, often, they are the best option for people. If you are a person who regularly takes classes, we want to encourage you to think about doing an occasional private session. This will help to take your own movement practice to a whole new level, and kick that plateau to the curb.

If you’ve never had a private session or it’s been a really long time you might be surprised on how much benefit you can get out of one private session.  Even though our group classes are small we aren’t often able to stop during class and specifically go over movements specific to your body.

Have you have ever asked:

  • Why can’t I do this exercise very well?
  • Why does this exercise hurt or not feel good in my body?
  • What specific things can I do to continue to progress in individual exercises and my practice as a whole?
  • What would be the best at home routine or exercises for me to do?
  • Which type of movements and exercises should I be focusing on if I want to accomplish my goals? (Maybe running a 5k or just looking great for that fall wedding I need to attend!)

An occasional private session can help you answer these questions, move forward after a plateau, and create a focus for your personal movement practice. We know that it’s not practical or affordable for many people to do a private session on a regular basis. But we also believe in the difference it can make in your movement practice, and we provide some great opportunities for everyone to get at least a few private lessons in each year.

  • We have special rates for private sessions as part of our introductory package. Beginning with private sessions is a great way to get started.  
  • Often, as we get older, people struggle with purchasing meaningful gifts.  Make sure your friends & family know that gift certificates to the studio are much appreciated.

Have more questions about private sessions? Email me at ([email protected]) or call us to talk to one of our instructors!  

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