This month I’d like to introduce you to Mila Balagula!

Mila is 70 years young and puts all of us to shame at the studio. Her energy and vibrance exude out of her. After she comes to class she heads to the gym to swim, walk/run and light weights. And on most nights of the week she is either teaching ballaroom dance classes or at a dance hall dancing til wee hours of the morning. Mila is a Argentinian Tango and Ballroom instructor, a piano teacher and most importantly a dedicated mom and grandma. Mila’s thirst for knowledge amazes us–she is taking Spanish at a local college. The studio is blessed to have her on the Mat everyday.

When did you start Pilates?
November 2016
What’s your favorite thing about doing Pilates?
Amy, the teacher!

What differences have you noticed in your body since you started?
Describe Precision Pilates & Wellness in three words.
A Great Satisfaction!
Was there a trigger that caused you to start Pilates?
Weight loss and Healthy Living
What would you say to other people who are thinking of starting Pilates?
Go for it!