The following information is not an endorsement of nor a recommendation for cannabis or CBD. It is for informational purposes only. Please see the medical disclaimer at the end of this document. All decisions regarding this information should be discussed with your medical doctor.
There are all kinds of studies looking at cannabis. It is hard to get too specific because the studies use different methods and different elements, and generally they look at one specific issue at a time. There is no consistency as to what is being studied. Sometimes it’s just THC or just CBD that is studied. Sometimes it’s the whole plant. Some studies just look at smoking marijuana and others look at ingesting oil or tincture.
THC and CBD are cannabinoids. We make our own cannabinoids, which are part of our endocannabinoid system (“ECS”), necessary for regulating many functions in the body. THC and/or CBD may help us when we don’t have enough of our own.
Cannabis comes in different strains with different percentages of THC and CBD. The more THC in a plant, the greater high a person will experience and the more likely side effects may occur.
Cannabis contains significant amounts of the cannabinoids THC and CBD as well as many other cannabinoids, cannabimetrics, terpenes and alkamides–some 2000 additional compounds. There is some information that the whole plant is better than THC or CBD on their own. The terpenes, which are also called terpenoids, have been found to help THC and CBD be more effective.
CBD oil is made from the stems, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant, which contains about 20% CBD. It is not extracted from cannabis. Hemp seeds only contain about 3.5% CBD.

Cannabis oils or CBD oils pressed from the whole leaf, stem and/or flower are best as opposed to an extracted THC or CBD which is then added to an oil.
It is difficult to be specific about amounts or the best way to take it, and trial and error by users is still the way to go.
Cannabinoids Affect CB Receptors Throughout the Body
THC can lock onto CB1 and CB2 receptors and trigger its beneficial effects. CBD locks onto a different receptor that can prevent the effects of THC (depending on amount). It then, in turn, can modulate response of the receptor, which can also be beneficial.
How beneficial either will be depends on the person and their deficiencies. If the ECS is working properly, neither THC nor CBD would be necessary. The reasons for a deficient ECS could be lack of nutrients, poor gut health, stress, lack of exercise, or a genetic anomaly.
Microdosing for Cannabis:
Lower dosing more frequently is something that many medicinal cannabis users are trying.
How much is a microdose? One puff of a joint, 1.29% for vaping, 2–3 mg for edibles. This would be done every two hours. It lowers the amount needed overall and lowers side effects. Discuss this with your medical doctor before trying.

Type of Strains: There are many hybrid strains for cannabis but there are two main types:
- Indica: Relaxing and calming. More likely to give a “body buzz”. Best for night use
- Sativa: Energizing, good for creativity but can all cause a spacey feeling and hallucinations. Best for day use
Note: The benefits listed below are only potential benefits, because every individual is different. It is based on research but much more study is required for all of these benefits. Even if more research is done and the benefits are confirmed statistically, there is no guarantee that the benefits will occur for all people with a given issue. This is true for any substance, including drugs.
Potential Benefits for THC and Cannabis Containing THC:
- Reduce anxiety
- Treat depression
- Relieve some symptoms of bipolar disorder
- Treat autism
- Ease nausea and vomiting
- Help treat PTSD
- Decrease muscle spasms
- Help with seizures
- Help with many neurologic disorders
- Provide pain relief
- Cancer treatment symptom relief
- Help with sleep issues
- Promote brain health
- Increase appetite
- Enhance senses
- Antibacterial
- Possible anti-tumour agent
- Bronchodilator
Potential Benefits of CBD:
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Display anti-cancer properties
- Help with autoimmunity function
- Protect brain cells especially for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and stroke
- Provide symptom relief for schizophrenia
- Reduce seizures
- Reduce anxiety
- Ease nausea
- Stimulate appetite
- Help with diabetes (especially prevention)
- Improve heart health
- Reduce depression
- Reduce gut inflammation (IBD)
- Reduce infections
- Enhance bone health
- Reduce symptoms of movement disorders (dyskinesia)
- Decrease insomnia
- Decrease substance abuse (especially from opioids)
- Help with acne treatment
- Reduce symptoms of psoriasis
Potential Benefits – Combination of CBD and THC:
- Reduce symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis
- Ease muscles spasms
- Reduce chronic pain
- Reduce cancer pain
- Improve symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis
- Decrease neuropathic pain
Medical Disclaimer
All information supplied in this document is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent health problems. For all serious health issues, please contact a medical or nutrition practitioner. The information is based on the best knowledge of the practitioner at the time of writing, and we do not assume liability for the information, be it direct or indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages. In all circumstances, it is always wise to consult your medical doctor before changing your diet, taking supplements, or starting any exercise or health program.
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