What is the Coronavirus?
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China.
How does the Coronavirus spread?
The virus is thought to spread mainly between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 ft) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It also may be possible that a person can get the Coronavirus by touching a surface that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

As concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) intensify, we felt it would be helpful to share information. And also share what we are doing at Precisions Pilates to keep our community as safe as possible.
Each of us bears a level of responsibility to ourselves and those around us in limiting the risk with COVID-19.
To help people boost their immune systems and reduce their exposure, we’ve put together a checklist of healthy suggestions straight from the Centers for Disease Control.
We care deeply about our extended fitness family and we recognize that the only places where you may spend more of your time is at home and work.
The Studio is closed to ensure the safety of our members, families and the community. We will be Virtual, with live streaming, for both classes and privates.
Hop over to MindBody and register for a class.
All current members will have unlimited access to classes.
In closing, we understand that this is a stressful and challenging time. We also believe that we can’t live in fear for the unforeseen future and some semblance of normalcy must remain. We love the community you have helped us create at Precision Pilates and Wellness. And we hope to help you get through this in the safest way possible.
P.S. We’re all much better off stocking up on single ingredient whole foods than toilet paper and hand sanitizer.