Precision Pricing Business Coaching with Amy Hirsch

Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs Ready to Make Their Dream Salary

Get Paid What You Deserve
Run a Profitable Business
Earn Your Dream Salary While Running Your Dream Business

Do Any of These Sound Familiar?

You are sick of worrying about how much money is coming in each day.

You worry about how you are going to make payroll this week

You are not paying yourself what you deserve or not paying yourself at ALL.

You throw your bills and statements in a drawer or pile…

… and then stress when the year’s end comes around to organize your taxes because not knowing seems like the better option.

You are worried that if you raise your prices your clients will leave.

It’s Time To Get Paid What YOU Deserve!

It’s time to rip the bandaid off and get clear with your numbers, so you can once and for all pay yourself what you deserve, and YES have profit to give yourself a bonus at the end of the quarter or buy that new piece of equipment you have been eyeing.

It’s time to get real with how much you are spending in your business.
It’s time to raise your rates so you can pay yourself what you pay your staff and then some.
It’s time to have a profit to pay off debt, re-invest in your business and even give yourself a bonus.

Hi, I’m Amy.

Some describe me as a force of nature, others as a drill sergeant, and some as a self-made woman. I believe in going big or going home, so perhaps I encompass a bit of all of the above. 

With the guidance of numerous mentors who helped me grow my business, develop systems, and create a suite of offerings, I’ve transformed my Pilates business. It started as a small in-home studio, evolved to include online classes via Zoom–thanks to Covid, and expanded further with Porch Pilates, and now my Pilates studio occupies a 2000 sq. foot retail space. 

Over the years, I’ve witnessed my clientele grow from 19 clients to 85 and my gross revenue has surged from $24,000 in 2016 to the current figure of over $300,000 in a span of 7 years. 

I didn’t achieve this alone; I had a dedicated team supporting me in developing myself, my business, and my community. 

Now, it’s my turn to guide others in achieving similar success, taking entrepreneurs from their no-profit, no-recurring-revenue business to profitable dependable income using Math.  The numbers do no lie.

I will help you do the math, work the mindset (the hardest part) and craft a dependable income, with profit to live the life you want and deserve.

I’ve personally gone through the Pricing Overhaul® program with Jane and Erin, and they helped me price my studio so I can not only be profitable but also pay myself what I am worth. We use the numbers to curate the right suite of offers to bring in my ideal clients. Now I want to help YOU start earning dependable income doing what you love.

Give Yourself a Raise!

Work with Amy one-on-one to give yourself a raise.

Over the course of 3 months, you and Amy will work through the signature Pricing Overhaul® method to calculate exactly how much you need to charge in order to pay yourself your dream salary and be profitable.

Paid in Full Coaching: $3333

3 Payments of  $1277

Amy Hirsch coaching a female business entrepreneur in her signature Precision Pricing method

How We Will Work Together

I will help you work through the mindset stuff … because, let’s face it, we all get in our heads, and need someone to help pull our heads out of the sand and pull up our big girl pants.

I will help you sort through the mess you call bookkeeping.

I will give you all the spreadsheets  (YES I love love love spreadsheets) to organize it all.

We will figure out your operating expenses, payroll expenses, and profit.

We will look at your capacity and average monthly value to figure out what your prices should be with a profit margin. (NO we will not be looking at what others are charging because let’s face it they did not do the math, they just looked at what someone else was charging in the area.)

We will then come up with a plan to roll out your new pricing, all wrapped in  a pretty little bow, called your suite of offers that your current clients will say “I have been waiting years for you to increase your pricing.”

My business has never brought in much of a profit. I love what I do and I was happy to just cover costs but my business expenses and “life” expenses have increased so I needed to take my business to the next level. Amy has helped me make improvements in a way that was comfortable for me. It has been a blast collaborating and brainstorming with her great ideas and how they can be applied in my business. The whole idea of a pricing overhaul and everything that goes into it was very overwhelming so it helped to have someone who knows how to organize it guiding me through it. I have taken on a new view of my business and what I can achieve with just some planning and adjustments, thanks to Amy.

Stephanie P.

Equestrian Trainer 

Thank you Amy for your guide in helping me plough through my numbers and work out what is important and what was not. It helped be tremendously to have Amy guide me and come up with a clear pricing plan that I could roll out straight away. Amy was clear, to the point and efficient in the whole process and helped me in the places I was stuck in! 
She was extremely encouraging and made sure we came up with a pricing plan that worked for me and what I need. I would highly recommend working with her.

Lynn G.

Pilates studio owner

Are You Ready to Overhaul Your Pricing?

3 simple steps to start getting paid what you deserve


Schedule a Call

Use the form to schedule a free call with Amy Hirsch, your Pricing Overhaul® coach. We will talk about your business and see whether the Precision Pricing Overhaul® Program is the right fit for you.


Get the Book

Our coaching is based on the Give Yourself a Raise book by Erin Haag. Purchase your copy of the book on Amazon and start reading!


Give Yourself a Raise!

Over 3 months, you and Amy will work together to calculate exactly how much you need to charge to pay yourself your dream salary and be profitable.

Schedule a Discovery Call

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